
屋漏偏逢連夜雨 When it rains, it pours

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 20/05/2015

Alice: 'Why do you look so depressed?'Robin: 'I’m sick. I failed the test and I even lost my keys back home.'Alice: 'Poor you! When it rains, it pours!' Robin: 'What? I don’t even have an umbrella!'Robin (shouting): 'This is not fair!' Alice: 'It’s okay! It isn’t raining!'Alice: 'I meant bad things usually happen at the same time! Cheer up!'Alice: 'I will go to the docter with you, study with you and help you find the keys, okay?

Story and comic created by CCFamily.


"When it rains, it pours" is an English idiom meaning when one thing goes wrong, many other things go wrong too. You say it when several similar, especially bad or annoying things haven't happened for a long time, and then they happen all at once.


1. I had a terrible weekend! My alarm clock was out of order, there was a traffic jam and then I missed the flight! When it rains, it pours!

2. Many of the classmates are sick at the same time. When it rains, it pours!

3. Sometimes there is no homework for the whole week, but sometimes there are a lot in one day. When it rains, it pours!


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')


1. especially
more than other things or people, or much more than usual
2. annoying
making you feel slightly angry
3. flight
a journey in an aircraft


關鍵字詞: luck |idioms |vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 |運氣