
生態系統 Ecosystem

作者: 蕾莎 最後更新: 19/03/2015

Rabbit: 'Do you know what an ecosystem is?'Robin: 'It refers to the plants and animals that are living in an area.'Monster: 'We’ve got 3 people here and some plants too. Are we an ecosystem?'Robin: 'Yes! If you need to eat us to survive!'(Monster is drooling and considering the 'offer!')Rabbit: 'Stop Monster! We are not your hamburgers!'

Story and comics created by CCFamily. 


What is an ecosystem? An ecosystem means an ecological system. It is a natural unit consisting of living organisms (e.g. plants and animals), and physical elements (e.g. sun, water and air). The plants and animals in a balanced ecosystem have close relationships and they depend on each other to survive.

But human activities are polluting the environment and damaging the ecosystem. This causes the extinction of some plants and animals. In turn, it would threaten the survival of other organisms as well. We must go green to protect the ecosystem. Are you willing to help?


Reference: Cambridge Dictionaries Online (Learners')

1. natural
something that is natural exists or happens because of nature , not because it was made or done by people
2. survive
to continue to live after almost dying because of an accident or illness, etc.
3. extinction
a situation in which a type of animal no longer exists


關鍵字詞: vocabulary |English 英語 |漫畫 |生態